How to Survive a Remodel
Remodeling your home can be a big task. Home remodeling pros and those who have been through a kitchen remodel agree that the best way to get through it is to stay elsewhere and take a family vacation during the duration of your remodel.
However, if this option is not viable for you, here are a few tips to keep things clean, organized, and on time during your remodel:
Make a Calendar with your Contractor
At the start of each week ask your contractor for a general idea of what will happen each day. Not only does this help set expectations across the board, but it helps you to see if everyone is still on track and what’s coming up.
Have a Section of Your Home that Stays in Order and Clean
Remodels can be messy and if you aren’t mindful, it can spill into other areas of your home. But, by making an effort to keep the other spaces in our home clean and tidy you can still enjoy our home.
Pack up What Your Don’t Need From the Room
Whether it’s furniture, kitchen supplies or decor, pack up everything you don’t actually need for the next 2 months and move it to the garage or another storage area. Try to avoid just stuffing everything in another room, unorganized. Then when the renovation is over, you may not need the extra items after all and they are ready for donation.
Make Sure You Have Everything on Hand Before You Start
Plumbing items are likely going to be needed very first. Waiting on supplies to be delivered messes up the renovation calendar and causes expensive setbacks. Besides final decor pieces, having everything you need for the remodel in your home, and organized will keep everyone sane and happy.
Cover All Areas with Drop Cloths or Tarps During Workdays to Help Combat Dust
Renovation projects are messy. To help cut down on the daily dust ask the crew to make sure as much as possible is tarped off before they start working, and to always clean up as much as possible before leaving for the day. This won’t stop all of the dust but will reduce it significantly.
Make Sure You Have Extra Money in Your Budget
It is impossible to know exactly what a house is hiding until walls are opened up and the work is already underway. If you only have the exact amount for the renovation that was originally quoted you might find yourself halted in the middle of the job and unable to finish. A cushion in your budget is not only good for those surprises, but it is also nice to have for any extras that you hadn’t thought of.
Be Present. Ask Questions. It’s Your House!
Don’t be afraid to peek in on your project or ask questions or voice concerns. Whether it be the shower head height, a new thing you read about soft-closed pocket doors or a mix up with shower valves. Make sure all the concerns and questions are discussed and resolved. In the end, it’s your home – speak up!
Once you’re ready to move forward with your home remodel, contact Elite Living Remodeling at 844-ELITE-03 for your free in-home consultation and estimate.